A night blooming cereus flowers in a field of stars. Spacetime distorts toward the edges of the canvas.

For a Moment

We are small in the vastness of the universe, small next to mountains, imperceptible against the empty space between planets. We must be content to marvel at these things that dwarf us and humble us. But we small beings can get down on our hands and knees to appreciate the beautiful intricacies of the world. It should be as easy to accept that we are small in the vastness of time.  The brief, beautiful moments that shape our lives would go as unnoticed as a caterpillar is to a mountain, were it any other way.

The epiphyllum flower, sometimes called a night-blooming cereus, is large, beautiful, and very fragrant, and only blooms for one night. Thanks to photoreceptors in the bud, it blooms near the full moon and practically glows in the moonlight.

Acrylic on Wood · 6 x 9” · Sold - Private Collection

Limited Edition Print

Early painting stages on For A Moment.
For A Moment in its frame.
Paint is applied to an almost-complete epiphyllum flower.