Two years ago when my kids were on an astronomy kick, I painted Curvature, which featured a black hole nestled in a tree. I've always had a passion for astronomy, and it was wonderful sharing that with them. We watched history channel specials and Youtube videos in the living room, surrounded by mundane living room things, and we learned about supermassive black holes and other wonders of the universe.
But, while it's tempting to tuck black holes in to our imagination with dragons and time travel, you can go outside right now and point at one of dozens we know of. We coexist with them, separated only by distance. Our refrigerator and that bird in the tree out the window coexist with quasars and nebulas. I'm terrified and enthralled to think of this. And, until we find life elsewhere in the universe, we must consider that everything that is normal to us may be even more extraordinary, ludicrous, and improbable as a black hole.
Acrylic on Wood · 16 x 20” · Sold - Private Collection